/;~~| *@@@@@, |; 66|_ @@@@@@@@, C _) aa @@@@@@ \ _| {_ ?@@@@ ) / =' @@@@~ / \\ \ ( || |Y| // \ || |.| / | || || |.| \ | || || |.| \|__|\ :| |=: ||__| \ ||_ | | |((( |
if(youDesertMe()){ }else { inLifeAndDeathWith(you); } // 你若不离不弃,我必生死相依
while (life < end) { love++; } // 每天爱你多一点
while(!world.destroy){ System.out.println("i love you"); } // 爱你到天荒地老
#inclde <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello World\n"); retrn 0; } // I can not say Hello to the World without u.
if(mountain.arris==None): if(river.water==None): if(winter.thunder==True): if(summer.snow==True): if(sky.height==ground.height): i.withyou=False else: i.withyou=True //山无陵, 江水为竭, 冬雷震震, 夏雨雪, 天地合, 乃敢与君绝!
foreach($affairsInTheWorld as $affair){ if($affair==fallinLoveWithYou()){ dealWith(BRAVE); }else { dealWith(COWARDLY); } } // 我一直很软弱,唯独在喜欢你这件事上勇敢了一次
public class DREAM { public static void main(String[] args) { while (true) { String Mylover = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { char a = (char) Math.random() * 26 + 65); Mylover = Mylover + a; } if (Mylover.equals("YOU")) { System.out.println("My dream comes true!"); break; } } } // 我的梦想就是找到你 // 否则 // 我将永不停息!
me.nature=discretion; you.nature=discretion; love.time=reckless; while(seekLoveReasons(me.nature.you.nature,love.time) | 1){ NSLog(@"YES!"); } // 你我从来都是小心的人,可这段鲁莽的爱情,没有原因又都是原因
<html> <head> <title>Continence, Continence...</title> </head> <body> <audio src="are_you_there.wav"></audio> </body> </html> // 克制 // 在克制 // "在吗?"
case $distance when $distance=="naerby-me" fillMyHeartWith "You" when $distance=="faraway-me" fillMyHeartWith "you".shadow end // 你在身边,你是我的一切 // 你不在身边,我的一切是你
try{ findAnswer(you.like(me)); }catch(Exception e){ techYou(me); } // 你会不会喜欢我? // 不会啊! // 那我教你好了!
while(myLife.living()<myLife.end()){ if(myLife.find(you)){ break; } wineMaking(red-beans); myLife.greyhairGrowing(10YEARS.myLife.living()); waitingForYou(calm); myLife.living()++; } // 我以红豆论煮酒,十年白头,且以静候
var you = function from_future_import(){}; var spring = { 'breezing':true, 'length':10 }; var i = []; i.sort([spring,you])==[you,spring] // 春风十里不如你
if(girl.marryWith(boy)==YES){ payMarryMoney(boy,9RMB); return marriageCertificate(girl,boy); } // 没事咱俩结个婚呗?! // 只要9块 // 我请你啊!
Import urllib2; youLifeEver=urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request("http://www.yourlife.com?status=beforeBreakingUp")).read(); myLife=OpenAtts('myLife.html','w'); myLife.write(youLifeEver); // 分开以后,我将自己,活成了你的样子
showLove(boy,roommate); in(inDormitory){ return turelove; }else { turnDown(boy.voice); } // 我喜欢你! // 小声点! // 回寝室再说。
while(loveYou==true){ // 陷入爱你的死循环 }
<?php while(me->find()){ if(me->met()==your->self()){ print("Hello,world!"); } } ?> // 我一直在寻找 // 直到找到了你,我便找到了整个世界
public class MyLife { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean withYou = true; String everyDay; while(withYou == true) { everyDay = "perfect"; System.out.println("Every day is " + everyDay + "."); } } }
#include <stdio.h> int main(){ double world; unsigned letter; short stay; long memories; printf("I miss you.\n"); return 0; } // 两隔的世界; // 无名的信件; // 短暂的停留; // 长久的记忆; // 说这么多,只是想说:我想你了。
result love(boy,girl){ if(boy.有房() and boy.有车()){ boy.set(nothing); return girl.嫁给(boy); } if(girl.愿意等()){ while(!(boy.赚钱 > 100000 and girl.感情 > 8)){ for(doy=1; day<=365; day++){ if(day==情人节){ if(boy.givegirl(玫瑰)) girl.感情++; else girl.感情--; } if(day == girl.生日){ if(boy.givegirl(玫瑰)) girl.感情++; else girl.感情--; } boy.拼命赚钱(); } if(boy.有房 and boy.有车()){ boy.set(nothing); return girl.嫁给(boy); } } 年龄++; girl.感情--; } return girl.goto(another_boy); }
-module(you_and_me). -export([start/1]). -record(person,{name,address,status}). start(Name) -> one_world(Name). one_world(Name) -> Me=#person{name=Name, address=sz, status=alive}, when_meet_you(Me). when_meet_you(Person = #person{name=me}) -> start_to_love_you(Person); when_meet_you(_) -> ignore. start_to_love_you(Person) -> io:format("~p: I Love You!~n", [Person#person.name]), keep_to_love_you(Person). keep_to_love_you(Person=#person{name=me, status=die}) -> say_goodbye(Person), see_you_next_world(Person#person.name); keep_to_love_you(Person = #person{name=me}) -> io:format("~p: I Love You Forever!~n", [Person#person.name]), keep_to_love_you(Person). say_goodbye(Person) -> io:format("~p: see you next world!~n", [Person#person.name]). see_you_next_world(Name) -> one_world(Name). // 深圳相遇,至死不渝
//人 class Person{ //... private: void* id; //本我 void* ego; //自我 void* superego; //超我 }; //伴侣——不分你我地联合 union Couple{ void* you; void* me; }; //生生世世的伴侣们 vector<Couple*>* timelessCouples = new vector<Couple*>(); //有你、有我的世界 int main(int argc, char** argv){ //亘古... timeFlies();//...岁月... Person* me = new Person();//我 timeFlies();//...岁月... Person* you = new Person();//你 timeFlies();//...岁月... if(check(time, place, you, me) == true){ //如果时间、地点,还有你,都没有异见,我愿陪你,从亘古到永远 Couple * newCouple = new Couple(); newCouple->me = you; timelessCouples->push_back(newCouple); } timeFlies();//...岁月... //永远... return 0; } // 我生为卿生,卿生赴我媒,同心两相知,长命无绝衰
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int i, j; unsigned int key, currentIndex = 0; unsigned int block = 32936; unsigned int blank = 8224; unsigned int prompt[6] = { 3151145161, 3268389065, 3300255427, 2899246774, 3131304898, 10 }; unsigned int matrix[14] = { 4266392596, 2423165115, 1965415331, 2931913991, 4205830151, 16502099, 2689950357, 138955494, 2133885007, 3824925904, 1133361902, 232156718, 2769356099, 3488548096 }; system("color f0"); printf("%s", prompt); for (i = 0; i<441;) { key = 1 << 31; for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) { i++; if ((matrix[currentIndex] & key) == key) { printf("%s", &block); } else { printf("%s", &blank); } if (i % 21 == 0) { printf("\n"); } key >>= 1; if (i == 441) { break; } } currentIndex++; } getchar(); return 0; }
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